
Testing of vacuum lifting equipment.

Kilner Vacuumation provide a thorough testing service for of all types of vacuum lifting equipment. In addition to periodical LOLER examinations, all vacuum lifting devices must have a valid proof load test certificate. A test certificate is a document that identifies a piece of lifting equipment or lifting attachment, together with the Safe Working Load capacity, the proof load applied and date the test was carried out.

Static proof load test values are dependent on the age of the vacuum lifter as follows:

Date of manufacture before the introduction of the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 1992 (as amended 2006/42/EC) and prior, to European standard EN 13155:2020

Safe Working Load (S.W.L.)

Up to and including 3 tonnes
Over 3 tonnes, up to and including 6 tonnes
Over 6 tonnes, up to and including 20 tonnes
Over 20 tonnes, up to and including 40 tonnes
Over 40 tonnes

Proof Load

SWL plus 100 per cent
SWL plus 3 tonnes
SWL plus 50 per cent
SWL plus 10 tonnes
SWL plus 25 per cent

Date of manufacture after the introduction of European standard EN 13155:2003 + A2 2009.

Safe Working Load (S.W.L.)

All Capacities

Proof Load

SWL plus 100 per cent

Note: Vacuum Lifting Tube devices are incapable of lifting excessive loads and therefore cannot be proof load tested as defined above however we recommend that where possible a proof load test of SWL plus 25 per cent should be applied to this type of vacuum lifter.