Servicing, Inspection & Maintenance
An integral part of our business is after-sales support. We offer inspections, servicing and maintenance of all makes of vacuum lifting equipment, either on site or on a return to factory basis. Our inspections comprise a comprehensive list of checks to ensure safe ongoing operation of your equipment. Our findings are documented and copies provided for your records.
How often does my vacuum lifter need servicing?
Under the provisions of The Lifting Operations & Equipment Regulations (L.O.L.E.R) all lifting equipment must be inspected at regular intervals. This must be at least annually but it is stipulated that lifting attachments which can be removed from the crane hook should be inspected every 6 months. It makes sense to have your vacuum lifting most companies. In many cases servicing only requires checks and adjustments but common wear and tear items such as vacuum pads, hoses and pump vanes often need to be replaced. If you have your equipment inspected by crane or chain companies or Bureau Veritas then you should still have vacuum lifters serviced periodically.
For advice on inspection or servicing call us... we're happy to help.
T: 01246 416441