What is Vacuum Lifting?
How vacuum lifting works & its uses
Vacuum lifting is a method of lifting objects using atmospheric pressure. Everything on Planet Earth is resisting a force of 1 atmosphere (101.3 Kpa.) at sea level. This means that a force of 101.3 KN is acting on every square metre. By using a vacuum pump, a vacuum or pressure difference can be created between the object and a vacuum pad or sealing element. This generates a gripping force which allows objects to be gripped without traditional mechanical clamps or grabs.

Vacuum pads can be used individually or in multiples to suit the lifting application and can be built into lifting attachments or lifting frames called 'Vacuum Beams'. These beams can be suspended from overhead lifting gear, hoists, fork lift trucks or built into special purpose vacuum transfer machines.
Another type of vacuum lifting device uses vacuum to provide the lifting action while gripping the object or load, eliminating the need for a conventional hoist. This equipment was specially designed for manual handling applications and is called a vacuum lifting tube. See 'LIFTMATE'. in our manual handling area.